The current pandemic has demonstrated that non-discriminatory Internet access is both valuable and essential. DCNN members have been exploring this internet openness, since the inception of the Coalition, providing an open platform for stakeholders to discuss shared principles, norms, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that shape the evolution and use of the Open Internet.
A clear example is the joint publication of the Model Framework on Net Neutrality, utilised by the Council of Europe (CoE) as a basis for the elaboration of the CoE recommendation on net neutrality. (See this expert report) introducing the Model Framework, which originated the elaboration of the CoE Recommendation CM/Rec(2016)1 of the Committee of Ministers on Network Neutrality Research developed by the Coalition has also been explicitly included in national policy documents, such as the inclusion of the Zero Rating Map, developed by DCNN and featured in the 2018 Report on the “State of the Internet” of the French Telecoms Regulator (ARCEP).
The Covid19 pandemic has demonstrated that free and non-discriminatory Internet access is essential. Over the year 2020, DCNN discussions have focused on the importance of the various facets of Internet openness at times of crisis. In partnership with the IGF Dynamic Coalition on Community Connectivity (DC3), the DCNN has organised the first join outcome produced by two Dynamic Coalitions: the outcome report on “The Value of Internet Openness at Times of Crisis”.
The abovementioned book was elaborated after the successful organisation of an online symposium dedicated to Internet Openness and Covid19, hosted by the Indian tech Portal Medianama. The online symposium was organised in partnership with DC3, considering the common interest and expertise that DC3 and DCNN members have on such issues.
The symposium was organised by Professor Luca Belli, from FGV Law School and by Nikhil Pahwa, Funder an Editor of Medianama. Articles were published during May 2020.